Weekly Stuffing

August 17, 2009

729680pp6s1nn4a9Picture unrelated~But isn’t he cute!?!? ❤

Missed last weeks ‘Weekly Stuffing’ so trying to get back on track this week. Not a very big post this week though due to the fact that I am very busy this week, and am finding it hard to have spare time.


Woot~ So I finally got around to watching Kanon 2006, and I am absolutely in love with it ❤ The story is really interesting, and I love the animation style~ It got me a bit teary eyed at some things ;-; but it was all good, and things worked out^^ Which I so love 😀 *sucker for happy endings* xD


As a young child, Yuuichi Aizawa had often visited his cousin in the city. However, something drastic happened to keep him away for seven long years. Now, Yuuichi returns, his memories of those days are simply gone.

Settling into the wintry town, Yuuichi comes across several young girls, all of whom are connected to his past. As he befriends them and continues to interact with them, the long forgotten memories from his childhood begin to resurface…


See the cuteness? lol, anyway, its a really good show! So you should really watch it if you haven’t already. Seriously guys, my mom even liked it……..MY MOM!!!!!! XD My mom isn’t into anime, but I got her to watch this one with me, and she liked it~ ^_^ Ah, I love it when my mom likes things I like 😀 hehe~

Hmm, I guess my favorite character is Nayuki. I like Yuuichi a lot, hes hilarious, but, come on, Nayuki~ She’s so cute^^


Yes, well, I have some pictures that I found that I enjoy, so I just want to share them~

2310367463_89bfa1cc37 Hot Sasuke is hot~ *drools*

52816Karin~ Hehe, so cute 😀

NAYUKI!!!!!!!!!!! So cute^^ *glomps*

81909exstq7yiptI really like this, although it is sad ;_;

n3rns5Kukai is gangsta~

And this is something I made. Possible future banner?


*Video Info*

Anime: K-on!

Song: All Star

Artist: Smash Mouth

Made By: Honeysweet94


And that’s about it ^_^ Have a great week~!! 😀